Fix Bad Nose Job
The nose is both an important sensory organ and one of the main features on our face. While rhinoplasty is among the most commonly performed of all procedures, administering revision rhinoplasty properly requires truly outstanding surgeons of the caliber of the doctors at We Know Beauty. Unfortunately, not all plastic surgeons are as skilled as they ought to be and sometimes our surgeons are called upon to fix a bad nose job.
This type of plastic surgery requires a great deal of ability, and also some sensitivity. The fact of the matter is that patients in need of revision rhinoplasty are often understandably very upset about the poor quality of the work that has been performed. Apart from the embarrassment of having a nose that may be less attractive than it was prior to surgery, they may be suffering from physical symptoms resulting from the poorly performed procedure.
There are, in fact, many good reasons to be highly selective when looking for surgeons to fix a bad nose job. As we mentioned before, this is surgery that may be more challenging than other procedures. Aside from the technical fine points of working on the structures of the nose and nasal passageways, a truly outstanding revision nose job requires a touch of genuine craftsmanship and creativity. The human face is a work of art, and just as it takes an outstanding artist to restore a masterpiece, having the ability to do work that leads to great revision rhinoplasty before and after pictures requires the true mastery possessed by the renowned surgeons of We Know Beauty.
For more information on how to fix a bad nose job with We Know Beauty, call us today at 310-300-1500 for a complimentary consultation, or visit our online appointment request page.